Friday, March 30, 2012

How to direct T-SQL executoin output to a file

Is there a SQL Server 2000 equivalent of the Oracle SPOOL command like SPOOL 'C:\TEMP\MyFile.txt' which can be placed at the top of a series of SQL commands to direct the execution messages and results to the nominated file ? I want to use this in a Stored Procedure executed from within Access and capture all system and error messages at the server level.


open sql query analyzer

click on "query"

click on "results to file"

run a query.

or better yet

run BCPor the bulk copy program




This will work if xp_cmdshell is enabled

DECLARE @.isqlString varchar(255)

SELECT @.isqlString = 'isql -Q "SELECT top 10 FROM TABLE" -E -o C:\Results.txt'

EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @.isqlString



I found Steve's tip very helpful, however I also found out that you have to refer to the database name that the table belongs to even if the database you are refering to is the currently selected database within query analyser. This is because the command shell cannot see what the default database within query analyser is.

Please find the following example; -

declare @.str varchar(255)
select @.str = 'isql -Q"select * from spintlslive.dbo.T_Payments WHERE Paydate = ''07/13/2007''" -E -w255 -oD:\UPLOADS\payments.txt'
exec master..xp_cmdshell @.str

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