Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to determine when the last successful full backup occurred?

Does anyone know how one might, from within a SQL query, determine when the
last successful full backup occurred. I can see this information within
Enterprise Manager (or Management Studio in this case) but I'd like to take
that information and use it to execute a cleanup task to delete all
transaction log backups prior to that last full backup.Look in the backupfile table in msdb database to find the backup
If it is a scheduled job, look in the sysjobhistory table in msdb database.
The run_status value of 1 denotes a successful job completion.
Anith|||here is some code that i use for determining the recent full and differentia
backups from the msdb. all you have to do is supply the name of the database
and you can use that to get back the pertinent information
select @.backup_set_full = max(bs.backup_set_id)
from msdb.dbo.backupset bs
where bs.database_name = @.dbname
and bs.type = 'D' --for full Database backup
and bs.server_name = @.@.servername
select @.backup_set_diff = max(bs.backup_set_id)
from msdb.dbo.backupset bs
where bs.database_name = @.dbname
and bs.type = 'I' --for latest differential ('I'ncremental)
and bs.backup_set_id > @.backup_set_full
and bs.server_name = @.@.servername
using the backup_set_id, you can then run the following to determine the
physical file name:
select @.physical_device_name_bak=
from msdb.dbo.backupset bs, msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily bmf
where bs.media_set_id = bmf.media_set_id
and ((bs.backup_set_id = @.backup_set_full)) -- need full
and bs.server_name = @.@.servername
Thomas LaRock
Database Administrator
ING Investment Management
"Michael D'Angelo" wrote:

> Does anyone know how one might, from within a SQL query, determine when th
> last successful full backup occurred. I can see this information within
> Enterprise Manager (or Management Studio in this case) but I'd like to tak
> that information and use it to execute a cleanup task to delete all
> transaction log backups prior to that last full backup.
>|||Thanks for the help, I was able to come up with the following query to do
DECLARE @.last datetime
DECLARE @.dbid int
DECLARE nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @.path nvarchar(1024)
(name nvarchar(255),
dbid int)
INSERT INTO #temp_db
SELECT name,dbid FROM master..sysdatabases
WHILE ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #temp_db) > 0)
SET @.dbid = (SELECT MIN(dbid) FROM #temp_db)
SET = (SELECT name FROM #temp_db WHERE dbid = @.dbid)
SET @.last = (
SELECT CAST(MAX(backup_start_date) as datetime)
FROM backupset
WHERE type = 'D'
AND database_name =
SET @.path = N'X:\pathtobackupdir' +
PRINT 'Removing data from ' + @.path + ' before ' + CAST(@.last as
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,@.path,N'trn',@.last
DELETE FROM #temp_db WHERE dbid = @.dbid
DROP TABLE #temp_db
"Thomas LaRock" <> wrote in message
> here is some code that i use for determining the recent full and
> differential
> backups from the msdb. all you have to do is supply the name of the
> database,
> and you can use that to get back the pertinent information
> select @.backup_set_full = max(bs.backup_set_id)
> from msdb.dbo.backupset bs
> where bs.database_name = @.dbname
> and bs.type = 'D' --for full Database backup
> and bs.server_name = @.@.servername
> select @.backup_set_diff = max(bs.backup_set_id)
> from msdb.dbo.backupset bs
> where bs.database_name = @.dbname
> and bs.type = 'I' --for latest differential ('I'ncremental)
> and bs.backup_set_id > @.backup_set_full
> and bs.server_name = @.@.servername
> using the backup_set_id, you can then run the following to determine the
> physical file name:
> select @.physical_device_name_bak=
> '"'+convert(varchar(200),bmf.physical_device_name)+'"'
> from msdb.dbo.backupset bs, msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily bmf
> where bs.media_set_id = bmf.media_set_id
> and ((bs.backup_set_id = @.backup_set_full)) -- need full
> and bs.server_name = @.@.servername
> --
> Thomas LaRock
> Database Administrator
> ING Investment Management
> "Michael D'Angelo" wrote:

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