Assuming you don't have Query Analyzer, so use the command-line utility osql.
Shell out to a command prompt and type:
osql -E -q "PRINT @.@.VERSION"
Terri|||I tried this and the response was:
[Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
[Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).
Is there a next step?
Bob|||Those are the messages I get when the SQL Server is not started.
You need to start SQL Server. You do this through the SQL Server Service Manager in your systray.
Also, this is a good link to keep handy:HOW TO: Manage the SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) by Using the Osql Utility
Terri|||Thank you Terri,
After a reboot and restart it worked and brought me to my next problem(s).
I think what I really need to do is uninstall MSDE and start over. I don't seem to able to get into my DB, the path where MSSQL ended up is too long to work with in a command shell, etc. Is there an easy way to get uninstall all of it? Without a ADD/REMOVE option or Uninstall I'm lost.
Thanks for the first anser and the link. I bookmarked it and will use it on the next go around.
Bob|||Thanks to tmorton for the answer that worked. It was really simple.|||Codfish -- glad to be of help.
Disker -- the path were MSSQL was installed is going to be long -- and it shouldn't matter. You should never need to type it in. The install should add it to your PATH so that you will be able to go to the command shell and type OSQL from anywhere and have it work.
Please don't uninstall/reinstall unless absolutely necessary.
You say that you "don't seem to be able to get into" your DB. What tool(s) are you trying to use for this? What error(s) are you receiving?
Terri|||Thanks for the help Terri,
Some hardware/software specs -
Running XP PRO Sp1, IIS on AMD 900, 512MB. IIS is running as is SQLSERVR, SQLMANGR, and sqlagent. These are listed in Task Manager [processes] as running and also in Services as Started. I have the little server icon on the task bar with a little blue or green arrow blinking every so often. I installed MSDE from a command line after entering SAPWD="mypassword" The password I chose is 9 alpha-numeric.
I did follow your suggestion yesterday and read through the OSQL commands. This did allow me to create another DB. This command returned a message saying that it had created the DB giving the name and the space allocated. I checked on this and did find the two files ending with .mdf and .ldf in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data.
For SQL management I've been trying a few things. First, I tried SQL Server Web Data Administrator. When I use this the IIS option only gives me a page of HTML. The Cassini model gives me a login screen which asks for username, password, server and the two options of windows authentication or SQL. I have tried both and cannot gain access being given a incorrect password or username message.
My newest attempt and what I would like to use is Enterprise Manager and have downloaded to use. I unzipped this to a folder named EntMan but cannot get that to start up. I tried browsing to the folder with IE but it just shows me the files.
So it seems that I have installed MSDE semi-correctly in that I can find it and create databases through OSQL. I can see the DB but cannot access it through any interface I have tried so far.
Thanks so much for your time and help. I really appreciate it.|||Instead of this moving target -- let's try to concentrate on getting SQL Server Web Data Administrator working for you. (I prefer this over ASP Enterprise Manager strictly because I have installed and used it myself and can more easily help you troubleshoot it.)
With the hardware/software specs you listed, I am assuming that all of the elements of your environment are local to your workstation (IIS, SQL).
Is your local IIS able to serve up any ASP.NET pages at all? Get back to us on this and we can move forward from there.
If I type http://localhost/or http://desktop/ it takes me to a web page which displays the localstart.asp page which states the following:
Your Web service is now running.
You do not currently have a default Web page established for your users. Any users attempting to connect to your Web site from another machine are currently receiving an Under Construction page. Your Web server lists the following files as possible default Web pages: default.htm,default.asp,index.htm,iisstart.asp. Currently, only iisstart.asp exists.
To add documents to your default Web site, save files in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\.
I assume this means IIS is capable of serving up pages.
I have the SQL Server Web Adm. Version 2.0 installed to c: as is everything else.
I won't do anything else until I hear back.
Bob|||Yes, IIS is serving up pages, but specifically can it serve up ASP.NET pages (.aspx extension)?
Create test.aspx and put it into your wwwroot directory and try to access it from your browser (http://localhost/test.aspx):
<%@. Page Language="VB" %>
<title>ASP.NET Test</title>
<form action="test.aspx" method="post">
<% Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 to 7 %>
<font size="<%=I%>">Welcome to ASP.NET</font><br>
<% Next %>
What you should see is "Welcome to ASP.NET" 7 times in increasingly bigger font sizes. If you don't, then IIS is not serving up your .ASPX pages correctly and you will need to repair te IIS mappings:
To repair IIS mappings for ASP.NET with Aspnet_regiis.exe
1. ClickStart, and then clickRun.
2. In theRun dialog box, typecmd, and then clickOK.
3. At the command prompt, type:
In this path,systemroot is the folder containing your operating system files (C:\Windows on Windows XP systems, C:\WinNT on Windows 2000 Server systems, and so on), andversion is the version number of the .NET Framework installed on your server.
Note You must include the quotation marks in the command.
For more information about Aspnet_regiis.exe, use step 3 with the -? option or see the ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool topic in the .NET Framework version 1.1 documentation.|||Ok I created the page but it didn't do what it was supposed to do so I ran the repair. This started and completed installing ASP.NET. The path I used was
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_regiis.exe" -i
Then I checked to see if the ASP.NET State Service was running and it is. Then I rebooted just to be safe, double-checked ASP.NET and tried the page again. What I get is the text for the test page you've given above. I used Frontpage to create the page and did a copy and paste of your text and entered it into the html tab in Frontpage. I then saved the page to wwwroot as a .aspx page. What I get when I use IE to go to the page is the text that was pasted in and not the page as it should appear.
IE works for any other page I go to so I don't see that as a problem. I don't have a firewall running on this box so there is problem there either. I also checked the page from another PC on my mini network using http://desktop/test/aspx and get the same text page as I do locally.
Sorry for all the work. This gets really frustrating.
Bob|||At this point I am going to have to ask you to post this problem to theSetup forum. :-( Something isn't right with your setup. Each time I've seen this, aspnet_regiis.exe -i has solved it. The people over in that forum have seen it all and should be able to get you on the right track.
To be clear -- by "this problem" I mean the inability to view the test page.
Once you are able to view that test page correctly, then give Web Data Administrator another try. (And post back if you are having trouble with it.)
PS - Don't give up!|||OK, will do.
Thanks Terri. Hope to get back to you with a note saying everything works fine.
Bob|||Back again!
I now have IIS serving .asp pages to my local PC as well as another located on the network. Both seem to be working fine so I take this to mean that my IIS problem is resolved.
Back to the SQL Web Data Administrator - I've tried this again and it's still not working the way it should. When I activate the administrator it pops with the little window saying Web Server Configuration. It lists the following options:
Desired Port:
Cassini Personal Web Server
Restore Faults
and Start and Stop buttons.
If I leave the setting on IIS and click Start it opens a webpage entitled Web Data Administrator. Moving further down I have a welcome message and then the line -
Please enter a SQL Server name:
Username: [Desktop\bob shadowed entry]
Server (local)
Authentication Method:
Windows Intergrated
SQl Login
and then Login
If I select SQL Login and enter "sa" as the username and then my password leaving the (local) as the server I get the following error:
Invalid username and/or password, you are using a windows login that is not your own, or server does not exist.
This is where I'm stuck at this point. I appreciate your help and patience.
p.s. Should we move this to another Subject heading or start a new thread?
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